Live, Let Live & Love, day one
Why is it so hard these days to live a life of true happiness without someone else trying to invade your personal space, your personal thoughts and feelings, and interjecting their own into yours, trying to make you doubt yourself, doubt your loved one(s) or get on your very last very nerves? I love my family and the few friends that I do have, I love them too but all too often I take to my own space and quit talking to almost everyone because it feels as if they have all lost their ever lovin minds! Money tends to cause so many people to be both happy and unhappy. If you have it, your life, at least for a little while and into the possible future, as long as the money is lasting, gives you the impression that your life is so much better but, the truth is, is that it is NOT the money that brings happiness but in what we do in our every day lives, with or without money, with or without those friends who show up only when we have money and with those who are with us for the long hau...