
Not That It Matters

You know, not that this matters, but nothing much really matters anymore, to anyone, unless they have a stake in what the results of what is happening or being done. Nothing. Not in friendships, not in relationships, nada. We live in a life that is just day to day living, for others and I so often think, what am I getting from this? I love life but life is often so hard that I wonder why we are put in so many troubles and strife and why we are put through anguish, pain, 'karma' so to speak, or any of what we have to go through, just to get to the ending point, to die. Yeah, it sounds morbid, it sounds like I don't care about life but that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is most everyone else doesn't care about how their actions, their lives, their words, anything that THEY do, affects anyone else, only how it affects THEM. I'm guilty too, many times over. Wondering what am I going to get from doing this or saying that. So why continue to s...

All Things Considered, The Easiest (Simplest) Answers, Are Usually The Right Ones?

So today, I am writing on behalf of all who think they can in no way or another, get it all together and that this thing called life, is just too damn hard to get through cause there is just 'too much' in the way to get it all right and figured out. I am here to say, you are soooo wrong, on so many levels. You are just looking at things as a whole, all your problems, wrapped up in one, all of your issues, piled up on one big laundry basket, your life, with all of its  complexities, wrapped up like one of those 'biggest yard (or rubber band) balls in the world', ready to unravel at any given moment or second cause none of your life is poked in tidy enough for it to NOT come apart. That is the FARTHEST thing from the truth! The truth is NO one has it all together, perfectly, not even the supermom's out there, not even the CEO's of the biggest fortune 500's, not even, the president, of this country or any other. We are all human, we are all living, each day,...

Sunday scripture 5 26 19

Sunday scripture 5 26 19

What is Growing in my Jar? How to Make Milk Kefir


How do we even know?

What is the measurement of if a person cares for another, you, me or whomever, or how much they care? Is it in their text message? Is it in the fact of 'if' a person texts you back or not? Is it in how many times or how often they email or snap chat or any of those other forms of social communication? Is it in a phone call? Is it in spending time with another because that is what people who care do? Stay in communication, see each other from time to time, more towards those who are closer or become intimate, etc...?? What is the measurement of a friend / friendship? I think our world has become too consumed with text messaging (myself included), messaging on one or more social media forms or emailing, and use those forms of communication to figure out if 'we like' another. How can you truly tell that someone is being truthful and/or sincere, unless you speak with them face to face, or if you have gotten to know them and you actually speak on the phone with them, n...

Day Two...To Be Continued...

Hello Everyone! It seems as though our lives are always one step away from a "To Be Continued" phase. Whether it be while we are in conversation with others, a phone call, a text, an email, an article, book, television show or movie or some sorts and the worst, in our every day to day lives. To Be Continued...Why is it so necessary to have to be in such a hurry in our lives that we cannot complete such small things in our lives that we cannot finish hardly even a single meal, without having to get up and go and finish it later. My utmost unfavorite TBC has to do with doctors, doctors appointments and the ever eternal "hurry up and wait" thinking these places have in mind for our lives and our health. I mean really? I'm sick, so I call to see my doctor, but I cannot be seen until tomorrow, 9 am. I'm there early, hoping to get seen early and out to get some medicine to feel better, but no, I sit there till my regular appointment time and then over a half ...

Live, Let Live & Love, day one

Why is it so hard these days to live a life of true happiness without someone else trying to invade your personal space, your personal thoughts and feelings, and interjecting their own into yours, trying to make you doubt yourself, doubt your loved one(s) or get on your very last very nerves? I love my family and the few friends that I do have, I love them too but all too often I take to my own space and quit talking to almost everyone because it feels as if they have all lost their ever lovin minds! Money tends to cause so many people to be both happy and unhappy. If you have it, your life, at least for a little while and into the possible future, as long as the money is lasting, gives you the impression that your life is so much better but, the truth is, is that it is NOT the money that brings happiness but in what we do in our every day lives, with or without money, with or without those friends who show up only when we have money and with those who are with us for the long hau...